In today’s world, most employees spend a significant portion of their day seated at a desk, working on a computer. While this might seem harmless, poor workstation ergonomics can lead to a range of health issues that many businesses fail to consider. From musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) to eye strain and stress, these problems don’t just affect individual wellbeing but also have a direct impact on productivity and company costs. In this article, we explore the hidden costs of poor workstation ergonomics and why DSE (Display Screen Equipment) assessments are essential for every business.

Health Risks of Poor Ergonomics in the Workplace

Poor ergonomics can result in a wide variety of health problems. Employees who sit in awkward positions or have their screens, keyboards, or chairs improperly adjusted often experience common issues such as:

  • Back, neck, and shoulder pain
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), particularly in the hands and wrists
  • Headaches and migraines caused by eye strain and poor lighting
  • Increased fatigue due to prolonged discomfort

Additionally, chronic pain can lead to poor sleep quality, resulting in fatigue and concentration issues during work hours. This can further contribute to mental health problems, such as anxiety and low mood, creating a cycle of discomfort that affects both personal and professional life.

These problems can lead to long-term health conditions if left unaddressed, resulting in employees working while unwell (presenteeism), frequent absences, and a drop in productivity. Moreover, employees dealing with physical discomfort tend to be less engaged and more stressed, which can negatively impact their performance at work. The long-term costs of these issues are often underestimated by businesses. According to 2022/23 Health and Safety Executive (HSE) statistics, stress, depression, and anxiety are the leading causes of workplace absences, accounting for 54% of lost working days, with musculoskeletal disorders contributing 21%. Poor ergonomics can play a role in both physical and mental health problems, making proactive intervention essential.

Importance of DSE Assessments for Workplace Ergonomics

A DSE assessment is a simple yet effective way to ensure that employees’ workstations are set up correctly, ultimately preventing discomfort and reducing the risk of injury. This proactive approach is essential in today’s workplace, where many employees spend extended periods at their desks.

As a chartered healthcare worker with specialised training in ergonomics, the DSE assessment services provided by Ergonix go beyond mere compliance. The focus is on a holistic understanding of each employee’s needs, ensuring that both their physical setup and overall wellbeing are considered.

During a holistic DSE assessment, various aspects that influence the employee’s comfort and productivity are evaluated, including:

  1. Activities and Tasks: The specific activities the employee performs and how they do them are examined. This includes assessing their posture and the repetition of movements, helping to identify any patterns that may lead to discomfort or injury. The assessment also considers how health issues may affect the employee’s daily activities, both at home and work. For instance, an employee with a history of back pain may require a workstation that allows for frequent movement or specific adjustments to seating and desk height.
  2. Environmental Factors: The physical environment is assessed for safety and comfort, including aspects such as workspace dimensions, lighting conditions (avoiding glare and flickering), room temperature, and potential health and safety hazards. Inadequate lighting, for instance, can lead to eye strain and headaches, while extreme temperatures may distract from focus and productivity. For employees with specific needs, such as leg injuries, accessibility is considered, including how they navigate stairs or other physical barriers.
  3. Equipment: The equipment used at the workstation is evaluated to determine if it fits individual needs, whether specific tools are required, or if there are items employees may lack. This includes ensuring that tools and devices are appropriate for their tasks and ergonomically suitable. Examples of equipment assessed include chairs, monitor screens, reading or writing slopes, adjustable desks, and ergonomic keyboards or mice. By identifying gaps in equipment, recommendations for necessary adjustments or additions that enhance workplace comfort and productivity can be made.
  4. Psychology and Physiology: The assessment also considers the psychological and physiological aspects of the employee’s experience. This includes looking at any existing injuries, movement capabilities, and psychological factors such as workload, stress levels, memory, and the overall culture of the company.

This comprehensive approach allows for tailored recommendations to meet the unique needs of each employee, promoting both comfort and productivity.

Overall, DSE assessments are not just about compliance; they are about fostering a culture of health and wellbeing within the workplace. By prioritising ergonomic safety through holistic and personalised assessments, Ergonix is committed to creating a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.

Advantages of Regular DSE Assessments for Businesses

Incorporating regular workstation assessments into your business is not only about compliance with health and safety (HSE) regulations but also about safeguarding the wellbeing of your workforce. Here are some key benefits:

  • Increased Productivity: When employees are comfortable, they can focus more effectively and work without distraction. Reduced discomfort leads to fewer breaks and higher overall performance.
  • Reduced Absenteeism: Addressing ergonomic issues before they lead to injury results in fewer days lost to illness or injury, significantly benefiting a business’s bottom line.
  • Enhanced Employee Morale: A workplace that prioritises employee health and comfort fosters higher job satisfaction. When employees feel valued, they are more likely to engage positively with their work.
  • Cost Savings: Preventative measures are always more cost-effective than reactive ones. By investing in DSE workstation assessments, businesses can avoid the higher costs associated with treating long-term injuries or managing compensation claims.

For example, consider a hypothetical company where employees routinely suffer from back pain due to poorly adjusted chairs and monitors. Following a series of DSE assessments, these issues are corrected, leading to fewer sick days and greater productivity across the board. The small investment in DSE assessments quickly pays for itself in terms of both employee wellbeing and improved output.

Starting Your DSE Assessment for Improved Ergonomics

Booking a workstation assessment is the first step to creating a healthier, more productive work environment. Whether you have a small office or a large team, regular assessments ensure that everyone’s workstation is optimised for comfort and safety.

In addition to one-off assessments, training staff internally with a DSE workstation assessor course can provide long-term benefits. By having trained assessors within your company, you can ensure ongoing ergonomic compliance and address issues as soon as they arise.


The hidden costs of poor ergonomics can take a toll on both employee health and business productivity. By investing in regular DSE assessments that prioritise holistic wellbeing and tailored solutions, businesses can create a safer, more comfortable workplace that supports the health of their staff and enhances overall performance. What sets Ergonix apart is its commitment to not only meeting compliance standards but also fostering a culture of health and wellbeing through personalised assessments that address each employee’s unique needs. In today’s competitive landscape, prioritising employee health isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s a smart business strategy.

If you’re ready to make employee wellbeing a priority, get in touch today to book a DSE assessment or enquire about our CIEHF- accredited DSE workstation assessor courses.